
Prospective parents and their children are welcome to visit the school at any time. Appointments can be made with the School Administrator so please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.


Join our school family →

For more information or to book a visit to our school. Email Mrs Turner, our Administrator:

Reception Admissions

For new Reception parents we hold numerous open days during the Autumn Term. Children are admitted in the September after their fourth birthday. All children are different, and some can find school rather awesome at first. We aim to make the transition from home or nursery as smooth as possible. Children are invited into school for a series of attachment sessions in the Summer Term prior to their start, and meetings are held between parents, nursery providers and the school so that we may get to know and learn all about your child prior to them starting with us. Parents and carers meetings take place in the summer and the autumn term where procedures, uniform, teaching methods and any concerns may be discussed.

Upcoming Open Days

In-Year Admissions

For parents of children wishing to join our school part way through their education, click the link below to access Gloucestershire County Council website for In-Year Admissions.  Also please complete the 'Registration of Interest for Admission' form below and return both to school:

St James’ and Ebrington Admission Forms

‘Be curious, love learning and grow together with respect.’