Welcome to JC2/3's Class Page
On this page you can find out about our learning in class and enjoy looking at pictures of us!
JC2/3 is our Year 2 and 3 class and is taught by Miss Riddle.
Our Learning this Term
For information about our learning have a look at our termly newsletter on the class SeeSaw page. Our Key Features sets out the overview of our learning for the year. On the class SeeSaw page pictures and notes will be shared of our learning.
Take a look at our year overview →
Spellings will be set every Monday and tested on a Friday. Children will practise daily in school. Homework practice sheets are due in on a Friday morning. You can find blank homework sheets on this webpage, along with some additional activities your child may like to do to help them learn their spellings.
Our PE sessions are on Thursday afternoons taught by Mrs Monkhouse. PE kit should be kept in school every day.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or catch me at the end of the day if you have any questions.
Miss Riddle
JC2/3 Class Routines
We expect children to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and for this to include reading to an adult regularly. Please sign and date your child’s reading journal and feel free to add any comments regarding their reading.
Books and reading records need to be in school every day. The children are responsible for choosing their own reading book from the coloured band recommended by their teacher. Children are encouraged to read books from home alongside their school reading book. Children will be given the opportunity to visit the school library on a fortnightly rota.
Maths and English Homework
Mathletics/Times Table Rockstars and Grammar homework will be set every Monday and will be due in the following Monday. Children are also encouraged to use Mathletics to improve their Maths skills and Times Table Rockstars is also a great resource for practising key skills like doubling, halving and times tables.
Helping your child at home
Times Tables
It is important to keep practising times tables to retain and improve fluency of recall. The homework sheets will help with this, but there are many other games and websites that can support children in their learning. Each child has a log in for Times Table Rockstars and are encouraged to use this fantastic resource to help pracitse their times tables: https://ttrockstars.com/
Here are some other links for times table resources: https://www.timestables.com
Please support your child with reading as much as you can! Them reading to you, you to them, listening to audiobooks, reading to a sibling - it all counts! All their reading and any responses they want to make to their reading records.
Children often enjoy different and multi-sensory ways to learn their spellings alongside the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method. Please see the ‘Spelling Menu’ for some suggested approaches and activities for supporting the learning of spelling.