St. James' and Ebrington PTFA work hard to raise thousands of pounds for the school each year. We are extremely grateful for all of the support they give to us, without them there are many things that ever-shrinking school budgets would be unable to fund.
PTFA funded projects this year →
Two sets of new outdoor play equipment - climbing frame and trim trail
New EYFS area fencing
New roof for the shelter
Pantomime trip
Buses for all class trips this academic year
Residential bus trip
Christmas selection box for each child and Christmas crackers
Over £100 per class for classroom resources
New sets of waterproofs for KS2 Forest School
Nursery Preschool flooring and new furniture
Christmas carol books and CDs
Y6 play scrip and music
Christingle resources
TimesTable Rockstars Subscription
Our fundraising events include:
Bingo nights
Cake sales
Refreshments at Sports Day/Nativity/School Play
School Discos
Bonfire Night
To enable such events to happen requires a large number of volunteers, whether as part of the organising team or just doing a few hours on the day. We welcome any help from parents, every little bit helps to make these events a success.
We are always open to any ideas for future fundraising events.
This year our Bonfire Night and Fireworks is being held on Saturday 4th November 2023. This event is a significant fundraiser for the PTFA and requires a number of volunteers in order for the event to run. If you could help at all with this event please email
Emma Taylor, Amanda Hood & Charlotte Venn
Easy Fundraising
St. James’ and Ebrington PTFA are registered with Easy Fundraising! If you ever shop online, then you too can contribute to the fundraising efforts... at no extra cost or hassle to you! All you have to do is take a few minutes to register with Easy Fundraising and then every time you want to purchase something online, simply visit the Easy Fundraising website and then follow the link to your preferred online retailer. Make your purchase as normal but this time a small percentage of the cost of your purchase from the retailer, will go into our Easy Fundraising pot. Simple! The link is below:
Our PTFA fund many trips and buy fantastic resources for our school and nursery. This amazing waterfall play was one of the many things bought last year by PTFA funds.
St James PTFA email address:
Parent Info Page on Facebook -