Safeguarding is everyone’s business: it’s up to all of us to keep children safe.
A key priority for St. James’ and Ebrington Church of England Primary School is that all adults who work with our children take account of safeguarding, and promote the welfare of children and young people. Our aim is to promote a culture of being a safe school for young people and the adults who work with them.
This is approached by:
· Ensuring Disclosure and Barring Service checks are carried out on all who regularly deal directly with children or have access to their personal information.
· Developing recruitment practice in line with guidance on safer recruitment practices.
· Working to promote a safe culture where there is a common understanding of risk management and judgement in relation to safeguarding.
· Ensuring allegations are dealt with quickly, fairly and with transparency and staff operate safe practice that does not leave them open to misunderstanding or malicious allegations.
· Giving staff guidance and training to enable them to recognise concerns about children and take responsibility for acting quickly on those concerns.
· Communicating child protection procedures to all staff, parents and visitors.
· Every individual signs a Technology Acceptable Use Agreement before using the school network and abides by the conditions within.
If you have any concerns about a child please contact one of our Safeguarding Leads listed below on 01386 840634.
St. James' and Ebrington Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Georgina Holder (Head of School St. James' and Ebrington) 01386 840634
St. James' and Ebrington Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs. Chloe Caselin (Senior Teacher, St. James' and Ebrington)
Mrs. Joanne Bowen-Jones (Operational Nursery Manager, Little Pickles Nursery)
Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. Anna Mason (Executive Headteacher)
Trust Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs. Emma Clark (NCSF Pastoral Lead)
Mrs. Lucy Jones (NCSF SENDCo)
Safeguarding Directors (governors)
Dr. Martin Nicholas (Chair of Directors)
Mrs. Jan Sibthorpe (Safeguarding Director)