Our Local Academy Committee forms the governors’ board for our school within the Trust governance structure. The Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation which applies to the Local Academy Committees can be found on the NCSF Trust Governance Page (follow link below).
All governors are appointed by the Board of Directors although the consent of the Gloucester Diocesan Board of Education is required for all Foundation governors. The term of office is 4 years although the term of office for ex officio, staff, and parent governors may cease earlier if their circumstances change.
The governors of our Local Academy Committee at St. James’ and Ebrington are:
St. James’ & Ebrington
Foundation ex officio: [vacancy]
Head Teacher: Georgina Holder (appointed 27/3/23)
Staff Governor: Chloe Caselin (appointed 27/3/23)
Parent Governors: Ali Rawlings (appointed 17/10/23) and [vacancy]
Foundation: Mark Coups (Chair) (appointed 27/3/23) and [vacancy]
Link Director: Joanne Bowen-Jones
Allocation of responsibilities:
Safeguarding Governor: Mark Coups
SEND governor: Jo Bowen-Jones
Pupil Premium Governor: Chloe Caselin
SIAMS Governor: Ali Rawlings